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Setting up your website template: Step 1: EDIT FLASH ANIMATION: | Click for more details Open the "flash.txt" file with Notepad and change "Your Website Title" to match your name or company name. Be sure not to delete the "logo=". Also change the "&slogan= Your corporate slogan or phrase can go here..." to match your slogan. Be sure not to delete the "&slogan=". Then you can edit the three "&textlines" with whatever words you want to show up on your page. This will change the Flash logo on all pages. If you wish to use a graphic logo, there are instructions later in this document. Step 2: EDIT COPYRIGHT: | Click for more details Open the "copyright.js" file in Notepad or any text editor and change the "Your Name or Company" and "info@yourdomain.com" lines to match your information. This will change the lower page info on all pages. Step 3: EDIT CONTACT INFO: | Click for more details Open the "contact.js" file in Notepad or any text editor and change the company name, address, phone number and e-mail address. This will change contact info on the "contact" page. This is done this way so search engines won't see your e-mail and you'll get less spam. Step 4: EDIT THE CONTACT FORM AND QUOTE FORM: | Click for more details If you are setup with an AllWebCo hosting account. Go to your control panel at "https://your-domain.com/cgi-bin/plusmail" and install the free script "Formail" then edit the contact page and quotes page and replace "your-domain.com" in 3 places with your domain. If you are not set up with AllWebCo hosting or do not have "Formail" installed. You can either setup the contact form to use another contact script, download and install Formail on your server or you can remove the contact form from the pages between the comment tags. If you wish to change the colors and sizes of the form elements you can open the "coolstyle.css" in Notepad or any text editor and change the ".shadeform" ".textarea" and ".dropdown" variables. Because of the complexity of setting up the quote form, there are notes in the "quotes.htm" to help you cut and paste new form fields. The form will work with other scripts however you will need help files or a sample form from the script you intend to use. Most form elements work the same way from script to script, however the hidden values usually vary. With FormMail be sure you add any new elements you add to the "sort" hidden field. You may want to consider editing the entire page in Notepad instead of a wysiwyg editor. Step 5: REPLACE THE GALLERY PICTURES: | Click for more details | Thumbnail Help The best way to setup the pictures in the gallery is not to actually edit the HTML pages and change the pictures on each individual page. The fastest way is to simply replace the pictures in the "gallery" directory with your own by overwriting the files that are in there now and using the same generic names. In the "gallery" directory, replace the 9 "Fgallery" pictures with full size photos. Replace the 9 "gallery" pictures with your thumbnails. The thumbnails are now 70 x 70 pixels but you can make them any size that you prefer. There is info on the other pictures at this site later in this document. PICTURE VIEWING AND SLIDESHOW OPTIONS: | Click for more details This template includes 13 options for the pop-closeup.js including pop-up or full browser image views. To change these options, open your "pop-closeup.js" in Notepad and put a "yes" or "no" (all lowercase) for the options you want to change. You can also change the height and width variables as well as turn on and off the scrollbars. See the notes in the "pop-closeup.js" for details. Step 6: EDIT PAGES: | Software choices | Notepad Editing Change the text on all pages to match your information. You can use a text editor like Notepad, Frontpage, Dreamweaver or any wysiwyg editor. Take care not to delete any of the HTML tags that surround the text. You will find notes inside each page to help you navigate. NOTE: You will not see the footer and header in some software because they are .js include files so you can globally edit the footer and menu. Step 7: EDIT PAGE TITLES, DESCRIPTIONS AND KEYWORDS: | Click for more details Open each of the pages and change the page titles (at the very top of the page) and also the description and the keywords to match your product or service. You can edit one page and copy and paste to the other pages. Be careful to only change what's inside the " " so you don't disturb the html code. Keywords are very important so your site will get a good listing at google or msn and other search engines. Step 8: UPLOAD: | Click for more details Upload the pages on to your hosting company's server using ftp software like CuteFTP or Coffee Cup (free) or your control panel. Be sure to make a directory called picts on your server and put the pictures into that directory. Options: USING A GRAPHIC LOGO: You can replace the Flash logo with a graphic logo. To do this, delete or rename the "header.js" and the "header_index.js", then rename the "graphic_logo_header.js" to "header.js" and the "graphic_logo_header_index.js" to "header_index.js". In the picts directory you will find a graphic called "logo.gif" and a graphic called "logo_index.gif". Edit these two graphics with your logo. It's best to keep the graphics the same sizes that they are now unless you edit the height and width numbers in the new "header.js" and "header_index.js". SETTING UP THE SLIDESHOW PICTURES: | Click for more details The slideshow is currently setup to display all 54 pictures in the gallery directory. If you would like to add or remove pictures from the slideshow, open the slideshow.htm in Notepad and look for the "EDIT THIS AREA" note. Copy and paste to add new pictures to the list, or delete lines to remove pictures. You can also set the AutoPlay speed. Look for "var rotate_delay = 3000". SIZING THE SLIDESHOW: See "PICTURE VIEWING AND SLIDESHOW OPTIONS" above on this page. FONTS: | Click for more details You can change your font colors and sizes by editing the "coolstyle.css" with a text editor. You can find other font colors by clicking here. You can also change the font sizes in the "coolstyle.css" file. Change the "TABLE" px size to change the copy on all pages. Change the "title" px size to change all the title sizes. CHANGING LINKS / ADDING TO THE MENU: | Click for more details You can change the names of the links like "about" or "services" to other page names by editing the "menu.js" and "menu_lower.js". Only change the one instance of the name and not the name with the ".htm" after it. Whatever you change in the "menu.js" or "menu_lower.js" will change every page on the website. Keep the names short so they don't go outside the menu. You can even add more pages by copying one link in the menu.js and pasting it right below the next. Be sure to back up your file before you edit them. There are notes in the "menu.js" and "menu_lower.js" if you need room for more links. There are also two other global menu .js files. The "menu_gallery.js" and the "menu_pictures.js". Both these files can be editied in Notepad, you can add and remove links as well as change the pictures. Click here for more menu editing details. ADDING PAGES: | Click for more details You can add pages to your website by copying and pasting any one of the pages and renaming it to whatever you need. You can then add links from the other pages or on the menu by editing the "menu.js". You can also edit the gallery navigation bar: ![]() Open the "menu_gallery.js" file in Notepad and copy and paste to add more galleries to the navigation. CHANGING THE GRAPHICS/PICTURES: | Click for more details You can replace the page pictures with your own. The pictures are now 400 x 225 pixels and the thumbnails are 70 x 70 but you can use any size picture you want and the pages will size them to fit automatically. Each page has it's own picture which is named according to the page it's on. There are six thumbnails called "front-pic1?.jpg" 1-6. You will find all pictures in the "picts" directory. SITE MAP PAGE: The "site_map.htm" is linked from the index.html. It is best not to remove this link so search engines can find your site map and properly list all your pages when users search at major search engines. PAYPAL SHOPPING CART SETUP | Click for more details You can have your pictures link to paypal so visitors can purchase them. Forms have been created in the "FORMgallery?.htm" pages so it's easier to setup. This template is setup as a shopping cart. STEP 1: Set up a paypal account and get the HTML code you need to setup purchases from your site. You will need the info between the "<form>" and "</form>" tags from paypal. |